The Lunch Belle

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Recipe: The best bfast sandwich you've never made...

Are you ready for this?  The other morning, I saw one of my coworkers do the *CRAZIEST* thing in our office's communal kitchen: He cracked a fresh egg in to a small glass bowl - scrambled it with a plastic fork - threw in some sliced breakfast sausage - scrambled it again - then put the mixture in to the microwave for a 45-second zap.  What emerged was a gorgeous, golden soufflé dotted with porky nibs and subtle wafts of steam.  Followed by a...Pop!  Two slices of perfectly-charred toast sprang from the toaster and, within seconds, a scrumptious egg'wich was born.  "Gross, Lindsay," he laughed.  "Close your mouth!  It is not that serious."  I suppose I was so stunned by the fact that a) he MICROWAVED an egg and b) created a restaurant-worthy (or, at the very least, Starbucks-worthy) breakfast sandwich, that I just stood there staring at him - mouth agape - completely unable to speak. 

That night, I made my way over to the supermarket and purchased 1/2 dozen eggs, English muffins, havarti cheese slices, and some chunky salsa.  I managed to locate a small glass bowl and made sure to set it near my car keys so as not to forget any of my ingredients.

...and to the office I went.  

I sliced my English muffin in half and put it in the toaster.  Meanwhile, I cracked my egg in to my small glass bowl and decided against a scramble.  I wanted the full "yolk" effect; you know what I mean - when you take your first bite and the molten, yellow core runs down your chin.  I sprinkled some salt and pepper atop the cracked egg and put it in the microwave for 30-seconds.  Bam!  What was revealed was the perfect, circular cooked "fried egg" a-la a McDonald's (visually, not internally).  I put half of a slice of havarti cheese atop the cooked egg to allow it to melt.  When the 'muffin was perfectly toasted, I lightly spooned salsa atop each half, sprinkled some more salt on each piece, then placed the egg and cheese atop.  The result?  Breakfast perfection.  At a fraction of the cost of what I'd spend elsewhere at somewhere, say, like Starbucks or McDonald's.

You be the judge: How good does that baby look? 

DIY microwaved egg'wich


Until we eat again,

Lindsay, The Lunch Belle