Amber is the color of my energy


I always wonder what message my uber-feminine logo sends across to my readers.  Lately, I've been asking myself some questions:

  • Do they (my readers) assume that I'm a total girlie-girl?

  • If a guy happens to pull The Lunch Belle up at work, for example, on an open trading floor, is he worried about what people might think if they see him looking at a site that has more pink on it than a bad episode of "Whose Wedding Is It Anyway?"

Looking back now, I have to laugh when I recall how much of a non-sorority sorority girl I was.  I was the chick who, when all of the other ladies dressed up as sluts promiscuous nurses for Halloween, instead opted for the baggy chola/gangsta' girl get-up.  Or how about the numerous times that I got busted by the sorority "chief of police" for smoking cigarettes in my Greek letters?  Plain and simple: you either loved me or you hated my wild ways.  And one special sorority sister who did find me and my vices quite entertaining was Amber Browning.  I think it was those two grueling weeks of Rush (on the inside) that ignited our initial bond.  We didn't sweat the small stuff and were definitely able to find humor in just about everything.  Amber was such a breath of fresh air, plus I loved her raspy Southern accent.  At a time in my life where I wasn't quite sure where I fit in, Amber always made me feel comfortable and confident in my own skin.  She was a great audience to my quirky jokes; we played off of each other famously. 

Recently, Amber and I reconnected on Facebook.  I was thrilled to learn that she had just graduated from law school at the prestigious Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. She was engaged to be married and certainly seemed well on her way to a bright and highly successful future.  Most recently, Amber learned that she had passed the grueling Texas bar exam.  Life was looking pretty damn good.

Last week, I received a tragic email from a fellow sorority sister saying that Amber was rushed in to emergency surgery.  Apparently, she had been quietly battling a rare blood disorder for the past two years.  Sadly, we lost our dear sister on Saturday, November 14th.

Throughout this entire week via email, I've spoken to more of my sorority sisters than I have since I graduated from college almost a decade ago.  If anything, Amber's passing has reunited about 100 ladies who had gradually lost touch with one another as life, location and career keep us apart.  I can only imagine the huge smile on Amber's face as she looks down upon us rekindling long lost friendships and reminiscing about her short, yet bountiful life.

Amber, I dedicate this post to you.  Your passing is a sobering reminder that life is short and that we must live each day we have to the fullest.  May God bless and keep you.  With all of my love and fondest memories....   


Until we eat again,

Lindsay, The Lunch Belle