Eat. Jog. Cry.


I'm not quite sure what the hell is going on with me this week, but I've been *overly* emotional.  Take this morning, for example:  When I went on a jog, I ran past a sedentary, obese man with his small black Schnauzer.  You should have seen the doting expression on the sweet pup's face as he gazed up at his master.  So doting, in fact, that this was all it took to get me going...

Bam!  I burst in to tears.  I'm talking serious waterworks here, folks.  What the fcuk?   But, being the champion stubborn athlete that I am, I kept on jogging.  And bawling.  At the same time. 


Have I lost my mind?  Maybe.  Probably.  But I have a feeling that this outburst could be attributed to a bizarre conversation I had last night with a girlfriend...

Friend:  "So, are you dating anyone?"

Me:  "Um, not...Well, that's kind of a loaded question."

Friend:  "Have you ever thought about moving?"

Me:  "Huh?  Where did *that* come from?  Move where?  Listen, girl, I busted my ass for 3-years to get to this city, and there's no way I'm leaving.  To meet a man, no less!  Trust me, the dating scene elsewhere is just as redonkulous."

Friend:  "Well, what about Jersey City?"

Me:  "Huh?  Are you nuts?  Why the hell would I move to Jersey City?"

Friend:  "Well, all of the guys here are looking for the 'next best thing' which, in most cases, is a 22 year-old.  Maybe there's less of that in Jersey City."

Me:  "Honey, every red-blooded male in the universe is looking for the 'next best thing.'  As am I!  Look, all jokes aside, I'm not worried about finding a guy.  I'm worried about finding a *normal* guy.  You know, someone who doesn't ask me to wash my feet before I get in to bed.  (True story)  And what about you?  Are you not worried that your man is 'looking for the next best thing?'"

Friend:  "Well, he's 40.  I'm 25.  So..."

...Wow, if that conversation didn't make me feel like the most inadequate senior-citizen on the planet.  (*Oh, ex-squeeze me while I go change my catheter and drink my Ensure shake.*)  And I'm only 31, for god's sake! 

OK, now getting back to my a.m. outburst:  I think it was seeing this larger man with a dog who loves him unconditionally, no matter what he looks like or lacks.  I'm not knocking fat people, folks - I know first-hand what it's like to be heavy.  Maybe it's time that yours truly got herself a canine companion...?  After all, isn't this the kind of love that we all crave?  In human form, of course?

Things that *aren't* making me cry this week:

  • I came across this surprising slideshow:  "Secret Loooovers! Secret Relationships We Didn’t Know About Until Years Later."  You won't believe who some of your favorite stars dated! 

  • Tonight, I'm meeting one of my most favorite readers, Tammi, for drinks!  I am so excited to finally meet this woman in-person!!

  • No rain is forecasted for the next week!  God knows I could use some good ol' fashioned vitamin D!  Could all of the precipitation be the source of my blues?

  • I'm in town this weekend!

  • My current read, "Trail of Crumbs"

  • This lil' number, which kind of describes how I'm feeling this week:

  • The fact that my girl, Jessica Simpson, is working-out again:

  • This "some ecard," sent to me by one of my best friends.  I crack up every time I read it:


Here's to a tear-free Thursday!

Until we eat again,

Lindsay, The Lunch Belle