Product review: Wandering Barman's Boozy Bottled Cocktails

“Miss Casanova” in a glass bottle: Hibiscus/orange/chipotle daquiri with rum = YUM

“Miss Casanova” in a glass bottle: Hibiscus/orange/chipotle daquiri with rum = YUM

On my walk to the grocery store the other day, I passed Mel’s Burger Bar, one of the neighborhood watering holes lucky enough to have an outward-facing bar (as in a walk-up bar that looks out on to the sidewalk, so that no mask-and-glove-wearing civilian has to step inside the establishment). Why “lucky,” you ask? Because of their unique positioning, Mel’s is able to stay open to booze-hungry foot traffic for a literal grab-and-go hooch. Or can of beer. Or glass/bottle of wine. Or…a Wandering Barman pre-mixed, high quality, single-serve cocktail in a sealed container. BAM! “I’ll take one of those,” I exclaimed, as I pointed to the magenta pink-hued ‘Miss Casanova.’


Great concept - hip, Brooklyn-esque bottle design/aesthetic - and an ingredient list that I can actually pronounce and recognize without the help of Google. But let’s get down to business, y’all: how does the beverage taste?

At 18% alcohol, ‘Miss Casanova’ goes down way too easily! I would liken her to a pomegranate-flavored Sour Patch Kid laced with a whisper of spice that flirts with the back of your tongue. Don’t let that scare you; I don’t like spicy cocktails, either. Just trust me when I say that ‘Miss Casanova’ is quite mild and doesn’t sting your throat like a jalapeno-margarita.

My only qualm about the product? Its small size, which couldn’t be more than like 4 ounces. But I remedied that by adding about an ounce of fresh lime juice, a few dashes of bitters, and an ounce of seltzer. I stirred everything together and threw in a few cubes of ice. Et voila!

Isn’t she pretty?

Isn’t she pretty?

Rum ain’t your thing? No worries, the company has plenty more varieties and concoctions. Check them out here!

Want to snag one - or ten - of these for yourself? Here’s a handy “locations” link.

Conclusion: For folks who don’t have a full bar setup at home (hello, lack of room and storage space in NYC apartments!), these pre-made bottled cocktails are a high quality and delicious win-win that pack a boozy punch. I can’t wait to sample the rest of the line.

Bottoms up, bitches!

Until we drink again,

The Lunch Belle